Bloody Omaha: My Remembrances of That Day (Paperback, Fall - 2010) by James Robert Copeland, S/SGT., 5th Ranger Infantry Battalion
I remember receiving sniper fire from above in a similar scene as pictured here -- none of us thought we'd make it. I did make it and here is my story.
It begins from my childhood in West Virginia, where my family and my family's family, worked in the coal mines.
When war broke out (Pearl Harbor), I enlisted in the Army and became Army Ranger -- fighting that fateful day, on the bloodiest beach, June 6th, 1944.

As a home health aid my wife Linda discovered James Robert Copeland. Linda and I were surprised with his energy, his vitality and his story. It didn't take much conversation to convince him of the importance of recording his story for posterity. We had several interviews over the past year and each time JR (as Ranger Copeland likes to be called), reminded me he felt his time was running out. He wanted me to hurry in my writing so he could see the finished book.
JR Copeland will be 89 years old this year. There has never been a time when I didn't find him cordial, informative and quite lucid in his conversation. Hopefully JR will see his story published -- this man is a magnanimous individual, besides being a war hero. I hope my writing does justice to his great story.
--garry m graves, biographer

Saturday, August 13, 2011

‘Bloody Omaha’ Author says THANKS…


  Just wanted to say ‘THANKS’ to all of you out there who have bought my little book. Each and every month the sales numbers continue to increase. And, it’s all because of your interest in my little story…and of course telling your neighbor or friend about it. And so it goes…

  Occasionally I’ll sell a paperback but most of the sales are from the ‘eBook’ side. This, I’m told, is happening with most books today, not just mine. The invention of the ‘ereader’s (digital gadget that lets you read a book), along with many who read on their phone, who would’a guessed that happening 10 years ago…even 5 or 2 years ago. It’s amazing. Besides, the digital version, compared to the paperback, is much cheaper, only 99 cents. Now who doesn’t want that today?

  My biographer, Garry M. Graves, and I have talked a little about a second book. He knows (as we revised ‘Bloody Omaha’ plenty of times), that I have several more stories in me. HaHa! Yes, some of the stories are gruesome and shouldn’t be told. And, I won’t tell them. However, there are some cute and funny stories, from the war, and from my times after the war, that just might prove to be interesting reading. Garry seems to believe a second book might compliment the first and readers will enjoy some further exploits we omitted from the first book.

  Not sure what we’ll call it…the second book. We’ve tossed around titles like: ‘Beyond Bloody Omaha,’ or ‘Bloody Omaha – Continued,’ or ‘Bloody Omaha – The Untold Stories.’ 

  Maybe you have a suggestion? If so, drop us a line with your email, here. Am thinking of making a contest out of  it (that’d be fun). If we used your title (giving you full credit in the books acknowledgement), we might also throw in a $50 Amazon gift card. How’d that be? HaHa!

  Anyway, let us know. Am thinking this project won’t be done til fall 2012. Maybe we could release it on my birthday, November 2012…when I’ll be the big ‘9-0.’ I’m still young at heart…remember I told you that. To always be ‘young at heart.’

Respectfully, James Robert Copeland, S/Sgt., Company B, 5th Ranger Infantry Battalion, WWII Survivor.

Bloody Omaha – My Remembrances of That Day by James Robert Copeland’  (Amazon Link)

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